AFL was a new addition to the QGSSSA competition in 2022. Students in Years 10-12
participate in the Senior AFL competition in Term 1 and students in Years 7-9 participate in
the Junior AFL competition in Term 4. AFL is a great team sport which teaches students skills
such as passing, catching, side stepping and running, sportsmanship and teamwork.
Mrs Mel Lilley
07 5577 7281
Year Levels
Senior AFL (Years 10-12) Term 1
Junior AFL (Years 7-9) Term 4
Training – St Hilda’s School, Del Mellefont Oval
Training twice weekly – to be advised
QGSSSA singlet & AFL Shorts. Long Socks. Mouthguard is compulsory for all trainings and games.
QGSSSA Competition
Senior AFL, Term 1, Saturdays:
Dates: 15 & 22 February - 1, 8 & 15 March
Venue: TBA
Junior AFL, Term 4, Saturdays:
Dates: 25, October - 1, 8, 15 & 22 November
Venue: TBA