1. How long have you worked at St Hilda’s School?

I've been working at St Hilda's School for nearly nine years now. It's been an incredible journey, watching the school grow and evolve over almost a decade.

2. What has been your teaching experience at St Hilda’s School, and what roles did you hold prior to joining the school?

I've always taught Pre-Prep while at St Hilda’s School. Before joining St Hilda's, I worked as a Director and Pre-school teacher at a long day care centre. Prior to my time at the day care centre, I was an Art teacher. This experience allowed me to foster creativity and self-expression in students, which has been incredibly valuable in my current role. Teaching Pre-Prep at St Hilda’s has been a wonderful experience, combining my passion for early childhood education with my background in art and administration.

3. What inspired you to become a teacher?

My inspiration to become a teacher stems from a rich family tradition of educators. Teaching runs in my blood, with my parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents all being teachers. It felt like my destiny to follow in their footsteps. My parents, before we moved to Australia, taught in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea and other regions across PNG. Their stories about their experiences and the impact they made were always fascinating and inspiring to me.

I have a deep love for being around young children. Their unique ways of thinking and their often hilarious perspectives on the world bring joy to my everyday life. The combination of my family's legacy and my passion for early childhood education made teaching the perfect career choice for me.

4. What do you love most about your job?

There is so much to love about my job. The most rewarding aspect is watching young children grow and develop throughout the year. Seeing their progress and the changes they undergo is incredibly fulfilling. I also cherish the wonderful relationships I build with the families. It's a privilege to help guide young children as they navigate their first year at St Hilda's. Additionally, I love the variety my job offers—no two days are ever the same, which keeps things exciting and fresh.

5. What are your hobbies and interests outside of teaching?

Outside of teaching, I have a variety of hobbies and interests that keep me busy and fulfilled. I love spending time with my mini dachshund, Audrey, whether we're going for walks or just enjoying each other's company. Socializing is important to me, so I often catch up with friends and family. One of my favorite pastimes is listening to my collection of vinyl records, which provides a wonderful way to relax and unwind.

I'm also an avid hiker and beachgoer, always eager to explore new trails and coastal spots. Discovering different places, both near and far, is something I truly enjoy. I have a deep appreciation for live music and art, so I often attend concerts and visit art galleries whenever I can.

Cooking is another passion of mine, particularly preparing healthy vegetarian meals. I find joy in experimenting with new recipes and ingredients, always aiming to create delicious and nutritious dishes. These activities enrich my life and provide a perfect balance to my professional career.

6. What inspires and motivates you day-to-day?

My two sons are a constant source of inspiration and motivation for me. Their sense of humour keeps me grounded and reminds me of the importance of finding joy in everyday moments. Sometimes, a good laugh is all you need to move forward, and making someone laugh is a priceless gift that can brighten anyone's day.

Nature and music also play significant roles in my daily life. I find solace and inspiration in the beauty of the natural world, and I try to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Music, on the other hand, is a constant companion. Whether I'm at home or at school, you can always hear music playing wherever I am. I firmly believe that music has the power to unite people and create a positive atmosphere. As Michael Franti wisely said, "music is sunshine," and I strive to incorporate that sunshine into my daily routines.

These sources of inspiration help me stay motivated and bring a sense of joy and connection to my life and work, making each day meaningful and fulfilling.

7. Tell us about your role as ____

My role as Pre-Prep Educational Leader is to maintain and continually improve excellence and care in education for St Hilda’s Pre-prep students. To also best support quality outcomes for families and other educators. I hope to inspire, motivate and invite educators to think ‘outside the square’ when programming and planning. I want our team to be progressive and innovative.

8. What is your vision/goal for the future?

My vision for the future professionally is to continue to help give students the skills necessary to be successful and happy as they move into the next stage of their lives. To continue to undertake professional development to ensure my skills and knowledge are current and above industry standards. In my personal life I’m aiming for more international travel. With a sprinkle of glitter and some disco music, I’ll have the perfect recipe for ongoing motivation and fun!