The Apple Berry is such a fascinating indigenous plant because you can learn a lot about it. A fun fact about the native Apple Berry is that it is native to south eastern Australia.

The Apple Berry was used by the Aboriginals and can be eaten raw. It can also be eaten when cooked and used in salads. Some Aboriginal tribes used the native Apple Berry to feed their animals. These are all the ways that the indigenous people used the Apple Berry.

The Apple Berry’s appearance is quite outstanding because the berry can be so many colours, including pink, purple or blue. The flowers on this plant are bell shaped. When the flowers die the fruit will start to grow. The fruit mostly ripens in the summer and spring.

Did you know that the weight of the seed is 0.2 kilograms? The height of the average Apple Berry bush is 1.5 metres tall.

Lastly, the Apple Berry is a small shrub and is useful for filling up spaces in gardens and ground covering.

The Apple Berry is the best plant to learn about because it is so fascinating. I hope you enjoy our indigenous garden and please appreciate our special space.

Reported and Compiled by Taara M


Aussie Green Thumb - website

Outback Chef - website

Edible Oz - website

Weber, L. C. 2023 Rare and Threatened Plants of South Eastern Queensland

Kueper, R. & Pickering, C. 2023 Native Plants for Indoors and Small Gardens in South East Queensland. Griffith University