The Sea Celery is an amazing and fascinating plant. It is native to all states of Australia and can also be found in New Zealand and South America.

It has green leaves and when the Sea Celery grows to an adult plant, they start to grow small, snowy white flowers on some of the stems.

The Sea Celery is a very versatile herb and is high in Vitamin C. It is edible after being picked and can be eaten fresh or dried. The Sea Celery is great for soups and tastes fabulous in casseroles, sauces and stock. It adds salty notes to every dish. It can also be used as a garnish.

The Sea Celery lives for two years and is mostly enjoyed fresh or blanched to temper its strong flavour.

Perhaps you want to find out more on the Sea Celery. You should consider using this versatile herb in your cooking at home. Maybe you can share this knowledge with you friends and please enjoy your visit to the wonderful St Hilda’s native garden.

Reported and Compiled by Jasmine M


Kiddle – website

Guildford Garden Centre - website

Tucker Bush - website

Fruitopia Nursery - website

Bunnings - website

Weber, L. C. 2023 Rare and Threatened Plants of South Eastern Queensland

Kueper, R. & Pickering, C. 2023 Native Plants for Indoors and Small Gardens in South East Queensland. Griffith University