The Winter Apple is a type of plant that grows edible berries.

The plant’s berries are not poisonous so they can be kept as a plant in your garden.

Did you know that the Winter Apple’s scientific name is Eromophila debilis and it can also be called the Amulla?

The Winter Apple has a hard woody seed inside its berries. You shouldn’t eat the seed but you can eat the flesh around it. The Winter Apple is occasionally slight pink in colour and can also be white to blueish white. The Winter Apple fruit is purple in winter.

The Winter Apple lives in warm temperatures and likes grassy areas. It prefers a full sun and part shade position to grow.

They usually grow in Queensland through to eastern New South Wales.

They grow in a variety of soils but they prefer a well drained soil.

The Winter Apple is edible so you can eat it. It has tiny berries and doesn’t leave much flesh. It can be harvested and enjoyed as a garden snack. DELICIOUS!

Did you know that the Winter Apple provides wildlife habitats for small lizards? It really is a great plant for any garden.

Perhaps you should go through our St Hilda’s garden and learn about the other wonderful indigenous plants that we have.

Reported and Compiled by Frankie B and Melinda X


Habitat Tonic – website

Sustainable Gardening Australia - website

IndigiGrow - website

Weber, L. C. 2023 Rare and Threatened Plants of South Eastern Queensland

Kueper, R. & Pickering, C. 2023 Native Plants for Indoors and Small Gardens in South East Queensland. Griffith University